

Laws and Government Decrees on Collaboration between Agriculture, Commerce and Industry

No-Sho-Ko Collaboration“Act on Promotion of Business Activities by Collaboration between Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Operators and Operators of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery” was established by the government of Japan and came into effect on July 21, 2008.
It is aimed at promoting the development of new products and so forth, utilizing their own know-how, etc. effectively, by small and medium sized enterprise operators and operators of agriculture, forestry and fishery in collaboration, with the objective of vitalizing regional economies.
Through collaboration between agriculture, commerce and industry, regional economies will be vitalized with jointly developing and selling in the market new products and services which used to difficult to be developed and produced only by operators of agriculture, forestry and fishery or only by small and medium sized enterprise operators engaged in commerce and industry.
